Booking T&C's

The arrangements are made subject to the following conditions and receipt of booking fee is confirmation that the client understands, accepts, and agrees to these conditions. The name “Baillie Properties” refers to the properties, and their representatives and employees.

When booking, the client shall pay the specified deposits. When the company accepts the booking the deposit will be retained and go towards the cost of the client’s holiday. The company cannot accept responsibility for any delays in receipt of the deposit and confirmation of the same. An invoice for the remaining balance will be sent ten weeks before departure for immediate payment.

We hope we do not have to make any changes to your holiday; however, the company reserves the right to alter or cancel any holiday arrangements, schedules, or accommodation. If in any event the accommodation chosen cannot be provided for any reason beyond our control before the departure date the company undertakes to offer either alternative arrangements or a refund for the accommodation.

If clients should cancel the holiday, or the company cancels the arrangements due to the clients’ failure to pay the balance within the time allowed before departure, a cancellation charge will be levied based on the following:

  • More than 70 days – Loss of Deposit only or it can be used against another stay
  • 69 – 35 days – 50% Cost of villa rental
  • 34 days or fewer – 100% Cost of the rental

All cancellations must be notified in writing. The effective date of cancellation is the date that your cancellation reaches our office. Clients are strongly urged to take out holiday cancellation insurance to cover any losses. The company cannot accept liability for changes in facilities that may occur from time to time in the interim period of booking to arrival.

All villas are self catering and strictly non-smoking; smoking inside the property will affect your security deposit. Smoking is allowed on the pool deck. Clients are required to leave the villa in a clean and tidy condition. All pool towels must be washed and dried. All dishes and glassware returned to their appropriate locations or left in the dishwasher. If the oven is used it must be left clean. If the company cleaners are required to carry out any of the above it will result in a charge against your security deposit. The charges are on display in the villa information brochure; please ensure you read this information as soon as possible after arrival.

There is parking for two vehicles (up to 12 seaters) on the drive. Florida Law does not permit street parking in gated subdivisions between 10pm – 8am to allow access for emergency vehicles. (Vehicles parked on the street between 10pm – 8am will be towed and any costs incurred in getting the vehicle back are the responsibility of the guests)

Guidelines for use of the air conditioning system are also contained in the villa information brochure. Please be aware that any damage caused to the system because of failure to adhere to these guidelines will affect the client’s security deposit.

All party members’ names must be specified on the booking form. If upon checking, there are extra person/persons not included on the official booking form this will result in immediate termination of your rental agreement and forfeiture of the security deposit. The lead name on the booking form is responsible for his/her party including conduct, all damage or loss.

On change over days were questthatoutgoingclientsvacatetheaccommodationby10am. Incoming occupants are advised that check-in time is 4pm.

Check–out:Weallowa15minutegraceperiodfordepartingguests.After10:15am, unapproved late check-outs charges will apply. The current rate is $75.00 per hour, divided into 20-minute increments with a $50.00 minimum charge.

Guestcallouts:Ifyoudohaveaproblemduringyourstaythatisanon-emergency,please contact the local property manger during regular business hours. For emergency situations, please call the emergency line provided in the villa handbook. Fictitious/bogus call outs where issues/complaints are unfounded will carry a trip charge of up to £45.00.

Poolheat:Ifyouhavenotpurchasedpoolheatinadvanceofyourstayanddecideyou require it after arrival will incur a $19.00 activation charge paid locally in cash or credit card. Credit card payments incur a 5% processing fee.

Pleasedonottamperwiththepoolcontrols.Thepooliscleanedandmaintainedweeklyby a professional cleaning company. In between cleans, there is a pool net available so guests can skim any bugs off the top of the water. (This may be needed after heavy rain as bugs are pushed through the net)

Anexcessivecleaning/damagedepositof£150.00isrequiredwiththefinalbalanceandis refundable up to 4 weeks after departure subject to conditions as set out in sections 6, 7 and 8. If charges should exceed the amount held on security the company reserves the right to demand and the client hereby agrees to pay all subsequent charges. The company for its part undertakes to supply a full accounting of such extras including copies of invoices from local tradesmen/companies if applicable.

Pleasedonotfeedthealligators!Keepchildrenawayfromtheedgeofthelakeasthisis where the alligators rest just below the surface of the water. Stay off grass as there are nasty ants that live in the grass as well as snakes and other insects.

All children must be supervised in the pool area.

ForceMajeure.Theownersandtheiragentsacceptnoresponsibilityorliabilityforanylossor damage or alterations to the terms of this booking caused by evens beyond the control of the owner’s. These include, but not restricted to war, civil unrest, flight delays, or cancellations, adverse weather conditions, fire, flood, industrial dispute, epidemic, and pandemic.

Sorry-no pets allowed.